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O.K. The story behind O.I.C. is that they are a three peice power pop punk rock band from the very very very small town of Sealy Texas. (look it up on a map, its really small) In a despreate attempt to escape the harsh reality of the world and especialy the possibility of ending up like the people of Sealy(small minded hicks), they decided to form a band! They reformed in mid september as O.I.C. They have been playin' since 98, but never got too serious until now! Now with plans of global domination of the punk rock scene, they are out and coming for you!

...and the line up please!
O.I.C. is:
Josh Woodbury-Guitar
John Birchfield-Drums
Ryan Gallant-Bass and Vocals

Ryan Gallant- born on 8-5-82, plays bass guitar and drums, has been know to play the gazoo in the nude, *likes- pez, bazooka joe, home cooked meals(we never get any), and sheep!
*hates- narrow minded people, racist, those damn lil faces on yahoo chat rooms, old people, ramen noodels, hicks, and people who associate everyone in texas as cowboys....I am not a FUCKIN COWBOY!

Josh Woodbury-born on 1-?-82, plays guitar and older women
*likes- ramones core music, what-a-burger fajitas, and especially cats(i don't mean as a pet)!!
*hates- his job, when things bite him, south park, people in general, and mostly Brenna Graham.

John Burchfield- born some time along time ago, plays drums and himself(alot)
*likes old rock(southern), his job, porn, people, and anyones mother
*hates- Country music, .....not really much else!