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Small town punkers!
Well ladies and gentlemen! We are about to cross over froms small town punkers to big city punkers. Thats right O.I.C. is moving in the next 3 months to San Antonio, Texas. Reason? The White Rabbit and a club called mid-evil knights is offering us gigs 2-3 nights aweek! So look for us to invade the San Antonio punk scene baby!
~O.I.C. |
2-1-01- O.I.C. lookin to play the notorious Fitzgeralds in Houston Texas soon. Stay tuned for a date.
12-20-00-O.I.C. now has mp3's go to mp3.com and search O.I.C. or go to the links at the bottom of this page
12/15/00-Heavy weight records is putting out a comp. with O.I.C. on it! Yay! Check out new shits for more info.
12/2/00-pics of our lil trip to Alington, Tx to record are finally up. SO CHECK EM OUT!
11/27/00-official release of Small Town Punk Rock EP' check out the catalog page for info
11/19/00- recorded four songs for the upcoming album "Small Town Punk Rock"
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Wanna CD? Wanna know more about us? Wnat nude pictures of your mother? Write us (e-mail or snail mail) and we will see what we can do for you!
Holler at me please
